Our Impact

Number of women helped

Number of helping associations

Cities Impacted


About Us

Violence against women in Mexico has been a serious problem since long ago. Nonetheless, ever since the pandemic (and quarantine) started, the number of domestic violence tripled. Nowadays, 11 women are murdered in Mexico each day, this does not only represent a number, but the lives of human beings.

As a team, we felt the need to contribute with our skills and the technologies that we have access to. #TwitterForWomen is a project that consists on a bot which purpose is to help women that suffer of domestic violence. Our solution consist on a bot that can be reached via DM in Twitter by the woman or by someone else (e.g a neighbour or friend). It will ask for the location of the location and with it, our bot will reply with the name, phone number and email of a civil association based in the same state which has as purpose helping women that suffer this type of violence.

The information of the victim will remain anonymous but we will insert into our database a record that a violent event took place and the city where it happened in order to display the statistics into this website. This way, more people can get to know easily about the current situation per location. Our database runs in Firebase and it also contains the information of the Mexican associations, which the bot provides to the users.
Right now the associations' database is relatively small but we have added a section in which associations can send us their basic information so we can contact them, verify them and add them to the database.
We really think that a project like this could have a huge impact in Mexico because it relies on the principle of trusting the victim. Furthermore, having the interaction through an app in which the user feels comfortable can help her decide to take action.
As a team, we also consider that this project has the scalability to be implemented in more countries, since Mexico is not the only country in which women suffer from violence and they all deserve a dignified life.

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We'll never share your email with anyone else.

Hack For Good

© 2020, Built with Gatsby during #Codechella!! ;)